About Me

Hanging out with my grandfather as a young child on his demolition sites had a humongeous impact on me.

While I saw many families around us struggling to meet employers expectations, and hope for fair treatment and promotion, I realized that my grandfather’s entrepreneurship brought our family stability and flexibility to live the way we wanted and earn as much as we needed to avoid some of the perils of middle class life earned through employment.

Because of his self-created earnings, we’ve always had a stable family home (and even 2nd home for holidays and gatherings) and eight out of nine of my aunties and uncles went onto college and post-secondary educational studies (the 9th took over the family business).

As a former social worker, I’ve seen the strength, resourcefulness and resilience of the human spirit triumph in very tough times again and again. But I’ve also realized that the solutions I was able to offer were usually limited, temporary, or otherwise unsustainable. Great programs get shuttered, funding gets cut…

Why not create engines of sustainability for a family? Something that allows a person to use their strengths to build up the strengths or satisfy the needs of those around them? The idea pressed on my heart and the Business Boutique is what blossomed out of it!

I want to assist and encourage start ups, seedling and small businesses because I know first-hand what kind of positive impact their success can have on not just the economy and society, but for the community and the family!

I’d like to put my skills as an advocate, and a case manager, navigating bureaucracy to service for Your start-up, seedling or small businesses!