
How I found Focus

start doing a little yoga…which always ended with me balancing on my head, (with a little bit of elbow) trying to hold my middle erect in the air and extend my legs. (Usually just flailing them and fussing under my breath to myself)

Looks like a headstand but it’s one handed #dolphinpose one of the poses I want to definitely ...Do you hear me?

I’m someone who has been to the gym about as many times as funerals, (and feels similar about both.)

Skimmed a few yoga books out of curiosity, but never, ever have attended a formal acrobatics or yoga class or anything.

Found myself stressed out (and not acknowledging it) to the point of surprising myself by being upside down in front of scores of random strangers, workers, and homeless observers.

Shy and sedendary me doing a headstand in a public plaza?! What the heck was going on?!

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