Entrepreneurship, small business, Work Online

Triple Book Review: Social Media Marketing 101

Getting a Social Media Job For Dummies (ebook) by Brooks Briz | 9781119002789Getting a Social media job was….exactly what ‘Social Media is Bullshit’ warned me about.

It had a few good points but spend a lot of time focusing on how to get a jobĀ in general to fill out the text, but I’m sure to some it could be a helpful refresher!

It covers:

  • The ‘overview’ of social media jobs (introduction),
  • ‘seeing yourself in social media jobs'(introduction to buzzwords),
  • ‘concepts you should know’ (writing techniques, branding techniques and networking techniques),
  • ‘roles in social media’ (which is basically a continuation of chap 1 and 2),
  • ‘foundations of social media education’ (the authors running brainstorm on where to look for more info),
  • ‘making your own way’ (general job coaching),
  • social media tools (reads like an affiliate post),
  • ‘life as a social media consultant’ (continuation of small business coaching),
  • ‘working in-house as a SM Specialist’ (how to be an employee),
  • living on the edge with a start up (buzzword, buzzword, how to be an employee),
  • and much much more!!!

Eh, Thumbs down.

and last but not least!

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