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Helpful Book Alert: 8 Min. Meditation; Quiet Your Mind, Quiet Your Life

Trick # 1: Sit it a straight backed chair with your feet on the floor so your meditation doesn’t turn into a nap. (Right after waking is a good time, or on a lunch break…) If you find yourself waking up well after the timer has gone off, with or without drool dangling, great! Now that you’ve finished your nap, you are refreshed and can do your Eight Minutes of meditation.SLUMPING or TRYING to sit up straight. – Are these the only options? – Alexander Technique Brighton

Trick # 2: Eyes closed and focus on your breath: in and out, rise and fall, expand and contract of chest.  Just try to clear your mind and hit a natural rhythm. The rhythm of [your] life!Adlib: Can you weep without eye..? Be confident.

Trick # 3: Give meditation the same focused attention you would to a friend who said they had something important to tell you. You don’t have to block a thought either, when they come, as the author says ‘hook’ them, note that you are having one, and gently push it away.

That’s basically it!

He’s got a little program which I was totally into that I’ll explain on the next page.

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